We don’t give because God needs our money, and we don’t give because the church needs our money. It’s much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to, and following through shows that we trust Him. God knows that your loyalty is found where your money is (Matthew 6:19-21). And because God wants to be first in our lives, He asks us to trust Him with our money.

If you call Temple Baptist your home, we encourage you to give generously, knowing that your money is being used to support the mission of Jesus Christ. Both here and in the world.


Your Giving Journey:


A Relative Giver is someone who is beginning to think about their giving in relation to other things they spend their money on.  So for example, this type of giver begins asking the question, “Why am I giving more to my cell phone provider than I am giving to God?  Should I be giving to God more than I give for my mortgage each month?”  This giver starts to make their giving an intentional choice that reflects how they feel about it in relation to other things they spend their money on.


A Regular Giver is someone who decides to give something and to give it on a regular basis.  This often requires planning, and sometimes this might be a reason for someone to setup reoccurring gifts online or to become disciplined with giving through regular envelopes or checks.

LUKE 14:28-35

A Relational Giver is someone who begins to make CHANGES that COST them something in their lifestyle.  A Relational Giver begins to ask the question, “Am I giving in a way that changes me?  Am I giving in a way that is offering up to God that which costs me something of myself?  Am I giving in a way that causes my lifestyle to be different to reflect the heart of Christ?”

2 SAMUEL 24:18-25

A Radical Giver is someone who is thinking about the longer tail of generosity rather than just the shorter term of month-to-month generosity or even year-to-year. A Radical Giver makes decisions in the short term that have longer term effects as it relates to their generosity capacity. They think of what home they buy, what car they purchase, how much savings they choose to keep, all in relation to their generosity capacity. A Radical Giver is no longer asking the question, “God, how much are you asking me to give?”

1 TIMOTHY 6:6-19

A Legacy Giver is asking the question, “God, how much are you asking me to keep?” They ask this so that they can release the rest into Kingdom purposes.