How to Study the Bible:


The depth and method of studying the Bible varies. Some read the Bible devotionally, some study it topically, while others study it exegetically. To learn about the B.A.S.E Method created by Harry Shields please… CLICK HERE!

Bible Reading Method

The S.O.A.P Bible Reading Method was created by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro. Here is information about the S.O.A.P Bible Reading Method according to Pastor Jon: I write the Scripture verses down that jump out at me as I read the Bible daily. Then I make Observations. I then make an Application and finally I write out a Prayer to God based on that Scripture. The S.O.A.P. strategy will help the Bride of Christ be cleansed by the washing of the Word (Ephesians 5:26). We expect you to be reading or listening to God’s Word everyday. This is one of the specific commitments our members make here when they sign their membership agreement. Why? Too often we rely on other’s study of God’s Word – well-known Bible Study authors and commentaries by pastors and theologians and we don’t try to study the Bible for ourselves. It would be like eating only what others have prepared, like takeout food or even mom’s home-cooked meals but never bothering to cook a meal for ourselves or even take the time to learn how. There is something so satisfying about sitting down to a meal that you have prepared with your own hands. You know exactly what went into that meal and I think you value it more. It is the same with God’s Word. You remember the truths from the Bible that you took the time to study and prepare for yourself. We here at Temple believe that with the right tools and knowledge you can all feast on nutritious meals from God’s Word. Try the S.O.A.P. Bible reading method to cleanse and fill you each day.

To learn more about S.O.A.P please check out this link: